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Aug 6, 2012 3:14PM

Sarah Silverman is a hot Jew. There, I said it.

Jul 26, 2012 12:31AM

Amy Jo Johnson as the Pink Ranger and Anne Hathaway as Selina “Catwoman” Kyle are essentially the same archetype.  One’s in high school, one’s in college.  So, who can explain why one franchise makes a kazillion dollars while the other fades into obscurity?  Think. It’s staring right at you in all it’s tightness.

Jul 25, 2012 12:35AM

For those who watched “The Dark Knight Rises”, did you like Marion Cottilard’s death scene as Talia al Ghul?  I thought she phoned it in. She’s like, “eh”, and dies.  But she could have made a scene like The Wicked Witch.

Jul 19, 2012 12:25AM


Talia al Ghul

The femme fatale archetype of the Batman myth

Yeah, it’s misogynistic, but this character has been depicted as a woman that truly loves Batman and at the same time wouldn’t hesitate to kill him.  She represents the danger of women who lead the adventurous, adolescent male (represented by Batman) into a life of marriage and family reunions and boring stuff.  It’s a constant motif whenever Ras al Ghul is around in the comics.  He wants Batman to take over his League of Shadows and wed his daughter Talia.  But Batman always refuses, which usually ends with Ras getting insulted and the two fight to the death with swords… er, shirtless and sweaty (that’s some Freudian stuff right there).

What does this dynamic really represent?  Well, seeing as how Ras al Ghul was a metaphor for some real figure in politics at the time, maybe some Middle Eastern dignitary, it’s American comic book writers’ way of fueling the xenophobia.  Batman has evolved to symbolize the CIA and the USA, so Batman’s reluctance to take on a foreign wife and abide by their customs reflects American attitudes.  But that’s not to say he won’t take some tang to go, or leave a little deposit.  Wayne irresponsibly knocks Talia al Ghul up in some storylines.

Talia al Ghul represents the average white male’s lust for exotic women, who bed them because of their “irresistible white male presence” but also want to kill them, therefore making it impossible to commit to a foreign she-devil.

Is this good, or bad?

Some actresses in Hollywood that might fit the typecast would usually be like Rachel Weisz, Eva Green, Eva Mendes, Leonor Varella, Vivian Wu, Marion Cottilard.  Ultimately, Cottilard was chosen to depict her in the latest Batman film The Dark Knight Rises.

Again, Cottilard has an exotic but ambiguous ethnic look, which is exploited to bring across a sense of sensuality but caution.  A literary character known as a black widow spider, seductress, dragon lady, siren, medusa, etc.

Jul 14, 2012 1:00AM

Masterpiece.  This is how you end it, hilarious.  But if this was a movie, of course, he needed to have married Annie, but this is an Internet show, so anything goes.

Jul 9, 2012 11:25AM

“Burning Love” is quite possibly one of the best Internet spoof series made right now. Ridicules standards of beauty, television sensationalism, gender roles, and it’s funny.

Jul 7, 2012 9:01PM

I wonder if I should start listing models on here manually (the ones I think are particularly profitable or are currently hip). At the least, it’ll get some hits in search traffic.

Jul 7, 2012 3:05AM

While teaching myself the Nikon D3200, I realized that my cheapo $200 camera actually takes better pictures faster.  With a DSLR, you need to make all the calculations yourself (if using manual) and it’s still not enough light.  I’m using a two point basic lighting setup, and once the sun started setting outside, I lost a lot of fill light.

When you light a woman, you want that fill light to bounce all over the room, off the white walls.  You want the woman to have a soft, delicate look, even if she is kinda masculine physically.

For men, you can use very harsh, dramatic lighting. Maybe even one light source. This usually creates a dominating presence. Of course, if you’re not trying to make the male subject look like a macho man, they you’ll have to use some fill light and other techniques.

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