Jun 11, 2012 8:25PM
Fashion made from wine curds?
From bioalloy.com. Looks like something from Silent Hill. Arousing, yet disturbing.
Hello, buddy! Welcome to Modelzilla. Where We Go To Learn About Pretty People Culture...
Jun 11, 2012 8:25PM
Fashion made from wine curds?
From bioalloy.com. Looks like something from Silent Hill. Arousing, yet disturbing.
Jun 10, 2012 5:59AM
Developed in 1997 by entertainment journalist James Ulmer, the Ulmer Scale is a 100-point rating that aims to quantify a star’s value to a film production.[2] The scale predicts value in terms of getting a movie financed and in production based solely on an actor’s attachment to the project; score is based on their historical box office success, versatility, professional demeanor, and ability and willingness to travel and promote movies.
Ulmer’s Top 10 list in 2009 (in order of ‘bankable’ value):[2]
Source: Wikipeda
Yup, I’ll have to agree on the definition and list for 2009.
Also defined by Ulmer is the “D-List” celebrity. At the least, D-Listers still make appearances in mainstream media despite their “obscurity”.
So what does that make YouTube celebrities? Y-Listers?
Jun 8, 2012 10:11PM
Goes to show you, doesn’t matter how boring a video is, as long as it has a pretty face in it (Judy Greer’s pretty cute), people will at the least view it, if actually watch through the whole thing.
Jun 7, 2012 7:04PM
Hmm. Kerry Washington’s so beautiful. You can catch her in the upcoming Quentin Tarantino western/blaxploitation flick “Django Unchained”.
Jun 6, 2012 7:03PM
Milla’s ready to kick ass again in Resident Evil Retribution, coming to theatres Sept. 14, 2012!
Jun 5, 2012 10:30AM
Well, I be dang. Ellen Page: action hero of her own video game? This is a first! Quantic Dream likes to rip off American movies, so expect this one to be parts Hard Candy, Matrix, Silence of the Lambs, etc. David Gage figured out a formula and he’s going to use it over and over.
Jun 5, 2012 12:46AM
I’m not too hip with the young crowd, but Coldplay and Rihanna’s Princess of China music video is pretty hot, and surprisingly the music is too. Usually I’ll have a problem if the imagery doesn’t live up the music and it wouldn’t justify the stereotypical misappropriation, but there’s a delicate balance.
So is Rihanna working that Kabuki stuff or not? I’d say so.
Jun 4, 2012 9:03PM
The Countess Perverse is coming out on DVD. I don’t know about you, but this photograph by itself is pretty awesome.