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Jun 4, 2012 1:24AM

Doesn’t Kristen Stewart look like an 80s anime girl? No wonder if you’re going to be favored to play Kei in Akira, you gotta look like a cartoon character.  Wonder if she’s into La Blue Girl?

Jun 2, 2012 2:56PM

I’d like to consider myself quite the hipster film consumer, but how come I’ve never seen Supergirl in its entirety?  Goes to show you no matter how attractive your product is, if it ain’t good, it doesn’t have lasting appeal, and no one knows it exists. What a game.

Jun 1, 2012 2:32AM

You know I’m going to start sneaking in my biases. With everything being high definition now, for anyone doing fashion or beauty shots, it might be beneficial to have wardrobe that is more vignetted.

Jun 1, 2012 2:05AM

I always wondered who the heck Miss Mosh was. Once you see her in too many portfolios and she’s every aspiring model’s idol, mention after mention.  Can someone explain her appeal to me? Surely, she’s not super famous, but she’s definitely Internet famous among the Internet image base.

Is it because she has an “average American girl” look?

Jun 1, 2012 1:21AM

Ooooh, this is confusing. Having to re-learn photography. Didn’t pay too much attention in school, naw mean?


Yup. I shot that, on film, in black and white. Just scanned it today.

Jun 1, 2012 1:14AM

If anyone’s wondering when Nikon is shipping out their red DSLR Nikon D3200, the customer service rep over at the official Nikon forum is saying in a few weeks. That means some time in June 2012, hopefully.

May 31, 2012 12:30PM


This is the future of fashion trends, where we literally become something out of an 80s sci-fi flick.


Think about it. Walking billboards. If you fancy yourself an attractive person, why not parade around a mall or business district advertising on your clothes. Sure looks futuristic and hip compared to

It’s been done before, but it has to be modernized to catch on. Someone has to put the lasers into the weaving, then it’s on.

Luminex.  Ooooh, sexy.

May 29, 2012 8:20PM

Dave Hill’s work reminds me of those cigarette ads from the past.

Nothing new, except instead of having to airbrush or repaint assets, now it’s at incredibly high-resolution and you can do 3D things them and truly create virtual worlds.  So, that leads to the question of whether Dave Hill actually has real skill or just exploited the Star Wars ILM compositing technique at the right time and place?  I think he used the technology at the right time and place.

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