Posts Tagged ‘design’
Mar 17, 2014
Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Costume Leak!!!

Gasp! The Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume leak!!!

Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Costume Design

Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Costume Design

Mar 17, 2014
Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Costume Design Predictions

By Chongchen Saelee

Costume designer Michael Wilkinson recently hinted that his version of Wonder Woman might look heavily armored much like film adaptations of gladiators (and with laser guns?) But boy works in Hollywood after all, and Hollywood is creatively bankrupt, and they tend to funnel that money back into their own pockets by stealing or recycling tried-and-true ideas. What am I saying? I’m saying Wilkinson might be obligated to stick with what his higher-ups tell him to do, which is recycle old designs. Check out these possible inspirations: (more…)

Mar 4, 2014
The Official Batman vs Superman Ben Affleck Suit Costume!!!
The Final Official Batman vs Superman Ben Affleck Batsuit Costume

The Final Official Batman vs Superman Ben Affleck Batsuit Costume

Here it is!!! The final, official design for the Batman vs Superman Ben Affleck Batsuit Costume design!!! Zack Snyder approved. Creepy as hell.

Feb 9, 2014
Batman vs Superman Warner Bros Disgruntled Art Dept Leak

Awww yeaah!!! Leave your comments below for tidbits, sneak peeks, insight! Ask away!

Jan 30, 2014
New Graphic Novel Character Design Concept Art
Character Design Consistency Test

Character Design Consistency Test

Hello, loyal readers! I’m starting design on my first commissioned indie graphic novel in a while. They say third-party eyes are better at judging consistency than the artist’s. So how does this character look? Is it consistent? Does it look like the same person?

Jan 26, 2014
Batman vs Superman Speed Drawing

Batman vs Superman Speed Painting

Batman vs Superman Speed Painting

Jan 18, 2014
Widget Real-Estate: Unlimited Possibilities of Design for Software GUI Applications

Widget Real-Estate: Unlimited Possibilities of Design for Software GUI Applications
By Chongchen Saelee

As IO (input/output) devices become more high resolution, as developers we won’t be limited to designing our graphical symbols of interactivity to the finite resolution of the screen output. (more…)

Jun 28, 2012
Evolution of Computer Programming Terminology and Concepts

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it applies. Object-oriented programming has been implemented since the 1960s, so that’s 50 years of efficient practice. But could it be even more advanced? (more…)

Jun 19, 2012
Designing New Future-Proof Widgets

Just because people are born into the latest fad technology and take it for granted doesn’t make them smarter. (more…)

May 13, 2012
How To Make Video Games into Art

If you make a game with Edvard Munch or M.C. Escher visuals, it’s a game about art, not a game that is art. So how do you do it? And why should it matter that games are art? (more…)